1. Install JAVA (jdk 6 or more)
2. Set java in the class path, its weird but strictly follow this:
For Windows 7: my computer ->right click--> properties--> advanced system settings-->environment variable-->
create a new variable under system variable [not user variable], name it 'JAVA_HOME' and give path till java's directory
example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_27
now open 'path' variable and add @ end of it ';%JAVA_HOME%\bin'
Test it : go to cmd and type 'java' or 'jvm', it should echo some message but not 'command not found'
3. Download android sdk for Android
Adt: http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
4. Set the adb path in class path,
For Windows : like java,
create a new variable under system variable, name it "ANDROID_HOME" and give path till adb
example: D:\Software\Android\android-sdk\
now open 'path' variable and add @ end of it ';%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools' same for tools
Test it : go to cmd and type 'adb', it should echo some message but not 'command not found'
5. Download Appium
For windows: AppiumForWindows- from https://bitbucket.org/appium/appium.app/downloads/
6. If using eclipse open it and add adt plugin
Top menu--> Help--> install new software --> add with name 'ADT' and site 'http://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/'
and set the sdk path in eclipse in preferences-->Android [ which we had downloaded ]