Sunday, 13 December 2020

JMETER- Rest Api Testing

1. For testing purpose get rest api of getPlace from below url, For this get registered for this site to received session id as per your login 2. Then go to jmeter, create Thread group by right clicking on Test Plan . 3. Once Created Thread group, right click on Thread and create HTTP Request
4. From step 1 , you will get rest api URL,{city name}&appid={API key} Divide this url in below format in jmeter, Till org its server name, path is till weather and parameters we will add in parameters section, Appid is your app key (follow step 1)
5. Right click on Thread Group- Add- Config Element-User Defined Variable
Use above value in step 4 screen shot as parameter 6. For verification, right Click on API name(get Weather) and add listener as View Result Tree And add Assertion as json jmespath assertion, Expected value is User defined Variable
7. Just click at top green icon and verify result by clicking on view result
Happy Learning :)

Monday, 4 May 2020

Webservice Maven Framework-BDD

Webservice Maven Framework

Pom.xml- io.cucumber,,jackson,
reporting-maven cucumber reporting-damian

feature file-gherkin language
Step definition- Given- requestSpecification used (utility file)
                     -body from testData file-pojo concept
               When- get resourceURL from API resources
               Then-get response from json
Hooks- used to work before tags which mentioned in feature file
looging- used to read log
TestRunner- path of feature and step definition path, we may pick tag names to run specific tags

need to run thru maven command- mvn test verify to generate report

Friday, 17 April 2020

Rest web service automation

Web service automation for REST api with java.
There are 4 types of methods.
Get- this dont need body
Post,Put,Delete- required body
For this you need to create java project and then add below mentioned jars in project.
Create basic java project, below is automation code syntax explanation
Given - Input(parameter, header, body)
When- Resource and HTTP method
Then -verification
All Input,resource, method has to come from developer before web service automation, its called contract.
suppose url  is, as per contract we can distribute as ,
 base url-
Below is code you need to use as request in eclipse, 
import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;

import files.Payload;
import io.restassured.RestAssured;
import io.restassured.filter.session.SessionFilter;
import io.restassured.path.json.JsonPath;

public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

//given-input ,when-submit api-Resource and HTTP Method, then -validate response 
//log()- for use to see details
//in given method we use queryParam too , it include with "?" in url
//header is json most of times, for some time we have session ids in header, for that SessionFilter class is also avilable
//for post,put delete we need to add "body", for get body is not present
String response=given().header("Content-Type", "application/json")
System.out.println("response is :" + response);
JsonPath js =new JsonPath(response);
String emp= js.get("data[0].employee_name");
//in response data field is come up with array, so used array concept for 1st emp
System.out.println("1st emp is :"+ emp);

 Below is response,

So above is GET method, so its without Body. In Given , we use queryParam too , it include with "?" in url which is not present in above example.
Path parameter- use to give specific data from response,Query Parameter- after path parameter, it drill down and give as per your required data, both present in given section
For attachment , we use multipart method in given section, which not used in above example.
relaxHTTPSValidation in given code is important for real world example.

header is json most of times, for some time we have session ids in header, for that SessionFilter class is also available, which is not needed in above example

Sunday, 12 April 2020

TestNg installation

Open Eclipse
Click on help
Install new Software
Enter below url,
Click on manage
Click on continue,

If you get any error click on continue

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

protractor framework ..POM+Cucumber+Typescript


1. Package.json need below dependancies
"@types/cucumber": "^6.0.1",
    "@types/jasmine": "^3.5.9",
    "@types/jasminewd2": "^2.0.8",
    "@types/node": "^13.9.0",
    "chai": "^4.2.0",
    "chai-as-promised": "^7.1.1",
    "cucumber": "^6.0.5",
    "cucumber-html-reporter": "^5.1.0",
    "jasmine": "~3.5.0",
    "protractor": "^5.4.3",
    "protractor-cucumber-framework": "^6.2.1",
    "ts-node": "7.0.1",
    "typescript": "~3.8.2"
2. Need Step Definition and feature file folder
3. Conf.js contain path of step2..
  Also it contain report creation format ie json
  and "onComplete" input for report in html
4. Step Definition contain hook (same like testng in selenium)file..
  Which use for failure screenshot
5. Page Object folder will contain page related objects which will use in step definition
6. All files will be written in TS and command "TSC" will convert them to JS and then "protractor conf.js" we have to execute
7. reports will be created using cucumber-html-reporter
8.hooks file connect with tags of feature file and you can add extra code with any tags(scenarios) of feature file using hook, use tag after, check failure and then screen shot code in hook, its behave same like listener

for running jenkins.war, use below command from file path thru cmd
java -jar jenkins.war -httpPort=3333
Below is Jenkins config

1. add ur project path in jenkin config
2. add command to run conf file
3. schedule ur script

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Protractor Cucumber setup

Protractor tool use for automation tool for angular JS. Cucumber is good framework for Agile methodology

Node should be installed in your machine

Open CMD  at root folder where you will add all your code mentioned below in step 4,5

1.... npm install -g protractor
npm install -g cucumber

2.If you are in proxy run below command

node ./node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager --
proxy url update--versions.standalone "version" 

Otherwise use below command

webdriver- manager update

3.Now start webdriver server,
if you are not in proxy use below command,

webdriver- manager start

4. use below conf.js

var chai = require("chai");
var chaiAsPromised = require("chai-as-promised");

exports.config = {
  // The address of a running selenium server.
 seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
 //directConnect: true,
 frameworkPath: require.resolve
 framework: 'custom',
 // setting time outs
 getPageTimeOut : 200000,
 allScriptsTimeout : 500000,
 setDefaultTimeout: (60 * 1000),

  // Capabilities to be passed to the
 webdriver instance.
  capabilities: {
    browserName: 'chrome',
   //args : '--disable-extensions',
  resultJsonOutputFile: 'report.json',

  specs: [
cucumberOpts: {
 require: 'Feautures/Step_Definition
 //format: ['json:reports/results.json', 'pretty'],
 tags: false,
 //format: ["node_modules/cucumber-pretty"],
 profile: false,
 'no-source': true,
 strict: true,
  'no-colors': true,


5. use below app.feature (path mentioned in step 5 code)

Feature: first test cases

Scenario: Home Screen validation
    Given As I launch room77 app
    Then I should see logo
 Then I should see button

6. use below step definition (path mentioned in step 5 code)

//var {defineSupportCode} = require('cucumber');
var chai = require('chai');
var expect = chai.expect;
var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
var {setDefaultTimeout} = require('cucumber');

var expect = chai.expect;

module.exports = function() 
  this.Given(/^I go to "([^"]*)"$/, function(site, callback) {
//   browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
console.log("text is1ww :")

  this.When(/^I click$/, function() {
   browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
   console.log("text is1 :")

  this.Then(/^I should see button$/, function( callback) {
   browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
  var el = element(by.xpath('//div/p/input[@class="btn"]'));
                     el.isPresent().then(function (result) {
                         console.log("Button Exist:" + result);


 this.Given(/^As I launch room77 app$/, function (callback) {
       // return browser.waitForAngular();
    browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;

    this.Then(/^I should see logo$/, function (callback) {
  browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
        var el = element(by.xpath('//img[@class="logo"]'));
                     el.isPresent().then(function (result) {
                         console.log("Logo Exist:" + result);


7. Now run protractor with below command,

protractor conf.js

You will get below result,

Remember to run step 7,
 you need to run step 2 and 3 always...

Happy learning :)

git commands

Pull data- git stash, git pull

created branch in Git-

folder local- C:\Users\ylondhe\Documents\Dunnes\OEAutomationGit

1.create branch, move to main branch, pull from it, move to new branch, add change and then commit

git clone url- "getting code from branch, url from UI"
git checkout -b branchname        -"new subbranch in branch"
git checkout branch name -"change branch"
git status -"check changes"
git add file name- "add file from local"
git commit -m "message" -"comiting code with message"
git push -"code push to branch"

steps to resolve the merge issue:
                                                1. git checkout branchaName
                                                2. git pull

                                                3. git checkout <ur branch name>
                                                4. git merge origin/branchname
                                                there will be merge issue
                                                which u need to resolve in local
                                                5. git add
                                                6. git commit
                                                commit once all files are done
                                                7. git commit
                                                8. git push

Git creating SSH key

  1. Open Git Bash.
  2. Paste the text below, substituting in your GitHub email address.
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
This creates a new ssh key, using the provided email as a label.
> Generating public/private rsa key pair.
  1. When you're prompted to "Enter a file in which to save the key," press Enter. This accepts the default file location.
> Enter a file in which to save the key (/c/Users/you/.ssh/id_rsa):[Press enter]
  1. At the prompt, type a secure passphrase. For more information, see "Working with SSH key passphrases".
5.  > Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): [Type a passphrase]
> Enter same passphrase again: [Type passphrase again]

Before adding a new SSH key to the ssh-agent to manage your keys, you should have checked for existing SSH keys and generated a new SSH key.
If you have GitHub Desktop installed, you can use it to clone repositories and not deal with SSH keys. It also comes with the Git Bash tool, which is the preferred way of running git commands on Windows.
  1. Ensure the ssh-agent is running:
    • If you are using the Git Shell that's installed with GitHub Desktop, the ssh-agent should be running.
    • If you are using another terminal prompt, such as Git for Windows, you can use the "Auto-launching the ssh-agent" instructions in "Working with SSH key passphrases", or start it manually:
o   # start the ssh-agent in the background
o   $ eval $(ssh-agent -s)
> Agent pid 59566
  1. Add your SSH private key to the ssh-agent. If you created your key with a different name, or if you are adding an existing key that has a different name, replace id_rsa in the command with the name of your private key file.
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

After this just add'
clip < ~/.ssh/

n then automatic copy created in windows and just use paste in setting screen
Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account

Copy the SSH key to your clipboard.
If your SSH key file has a different name than the example code, modify the filename to match your current setup. When copying your key, don't add any newlines or whitespace.
$ clip < ~/.ssh/
# Copies the contents of the file to your clipboard

Add this in settings of Git from UI.